Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ode to George

I miss George magazine. Some of you may remember the JFK, Jr. run project that celebrated the marriage of politics and entertainment with glossy photos from A-list parties and essays on the state of national security. John-John correctly bet that politics in the post-Reagan years would become a state-sponsored sitcom starring one bad actor after another, vying for center stage. Too bad George was too far ahead of its time, and the magazine folded 2 years after JFK, Jr.'s death, and a short 6 year run.

George would have had a field day with the possible general election combinations available in 2008. Policy positions aside, here are some of the races that I would like to see. Remember, I would like to see these candidate face-off not because either would lead the country in the direction I want. It's purely for entertainment value.

Huckabee vs. Richardson: This would be the meeting of the 2 most humorous candidates in the field. Their self-deprecating styles would make for a hilarious servings of humble pie. I could see these 2 debating on SNL.

Ron Paul vs. Mike Gravel: Both Paul and Gravel represent a stream in American political thought, but it sure ain't the Mainstream. The best part would be watching every lobbyist on K Street posting their resumes on, looking for new careers. These two would spend equal time debating one another and alienating members of their own parties.

Fred Thompson vs. Dennis Kucinich: Just to see pictures of their wives on TV and in People magazine for 6 months straight.

John McCain vs. Barack Obama: This campaign would be an ethical dream come true. Both have staked their reputations on being above the partisan rancor that has owned Washington for the past...forever..., and both would inspire each other to maintain the high road throughout the competition. I think this match up would bring us the cleanest debate of ideas.

Hillary Clinton vs. Al Gore: OK, I know they're both Democrats, and I know Gore isn't running. But can't a TV junkie fantasize about the Republicans nominating no one (since the GOP concedes they can't win in '08), so Gore offers to run as an Independent. What a steel cage match that would be. Gore has the new "I've got nothing to lose, so I'll just be me" attitude, while Hillary has the "Clubber Lang"-type focus to want to not only win against Gore, but destroy him in order to vindicate her husband's legacy. Circulation of tabloid magazines would hit all-time records. It would be a train wreck, but how could anyone turn away?

Hillary Clinton vs. Newt Gingrich: I know Newt is undeclared, but Hollywood loves a sequel.

Chris Dodd vs. Mitt Romney: Two politicians representing Connecticut and Massachusetts, debating what we should do about grazing rights in Wyoming and ethanol subsidies in Iowa. Could we get 2 people further removed from Middle America? Oh, that reminds me. I haven't mention Guiliani.

Rudy Guiliani vs. the Boston Red Sox: Wait, we've already seen that campaign, haven't we?

Mitt Romney vs. John Edwards: The battle that we've all considered - Wet vs. Dry. I can see the NY Post headline on the day after the election: "______ Wins By a Hair".

Joe Biden, Unopposed: Just to see if he would still say something off color in the heat of the moment that torpedoes his own campaign.

Sam Brownback vs. Al Sharpton: The Religious Right vs the Religious Left. I think in that race, even Ralph Nadar would have a chance as a write-in.

So Marra and I will be in New Hampshire in less than one month now. Let the games begin!


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