Thursday, August 23, 2007

Travel Plans

I received a phone call from the "Obama for America" campaign yesterday. I had forgotten that I had written a little note on Obama's website when registering for their campaign email updates (I registered on 8 sites - 4 Dems, 4 GOP). Apparently, "Katie" from the campaign thought my planned trip to NH with my daughter was "awesome", and she's ready to put us to work. She even told me that she'd schedule us to work one of Obama's campaign stops if he was in town. Marra was very excited about that possibility, and that got me pretty excited, too. It's early yet, but he could be the RFK of the Gen Y-ers. It's fun to see Marra getting energized about all this. I hope her years of political cynicism are still many campaign cycles away.

More good campaign news - the Republicans are scheduled to debate in Manchester on Sunday, October 14th, and we'll be in town that day. Hopefully, that means all the GOP hopefuls will be doing stops in and around Manchester before and after the debate. More opportunities to mingle with the news makers, and check out Romney's slicked back hair up close.


Side note: After accusing the Dems of using their own brand of divisiveness in the previous post, I get this email from the Edwards campaign with the following text:

"It is caution versus courage. Old versus new. Calculation versus principle. It is the establishment elite versus the American people."

Us vs. Them - divide and conquer, I guess...


Paula said...

Let me know if you are in the Seacoast of NH in October. We usually get plenty of action at UNH. How long are you staying??


Paula said...

Ooops, one more thing. Before you come, I am going to be so bold as to assign you homework! Read Dante Scala's book on the history of the NH primary: Stormy Weather. It's a quick read & will get you as informed, if not moreso, than the diehard junkies in NH. He's now on the UNH faculty.

Happy travels.
