Monday, July 9, 2007

Finding My Way in NH

Slowly my plan is coming together. Little by little, I am meeting the kind of people who might know the kind of people who work with the kind of people that can help get access for Marra and me to the candidates in New Hampshire. What started as a geek fantasy is taking shape for me. Here's what I've found out so far:

Contact Point One: I met a guy with the Dodd campaign when I was visiting Des Moines this spring. He was so happy that anyone stopped by his campaign headquarters that I got the full tour of the office. I could be the only person who ever got the chills looking at empty room filled with phones in anticipation of caucus night. Anyway, that guy sent my info to the Dodd campaign in New Hampshire, and that contact in NH has emailed me already. Hopefully, Dodd will still be a candidate come October.

Contact Point Two: My godmother's daughter, whom I met probably 35+ years ago, is the Executive Director of, Bono's global anti-poverty organization. I wrote a letter to her, which I gave to my mom to give to her mom, and behold, another contact! She has put me in touch with the organization in NH, and yes, I have been contacted. She has the distinction of also having been Chief of Staff for Sen. Harry Reid for several years, and a very gracious source of support for our trip. I can't thank her enough.

Contact Point Three: I met a woman 2 weeks ago working a table for Emily's List. Now, I didn't know what Emily's List was, but I was pretty sure it had to do with politics. I started a conversation, told her about my upcoming trip to NH with my daughter, and she offered to help. It turns out she knows someone with the Richardson campaign. I said, "Oh, is he working with the Virginia organization?", and she politely told me, "No, he's running the Richardson campaign." Jackpot! She has already been kind enough to forward me the names and contacts for a rep with Hillary and with Richardson.

I also found a blog ( with up-to-the-minute details on candidate travels within the state. So, Marra and I should be able to find someone to talk to.

I love it when a plan comes together. Now if only Tim Russert would answer my letter...


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